Concurrent course options
Concurrent enrollment course offerings span many academic disciplines. General education options that meet Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC) requirements include courses in art, biology, chemistry, communications, economics, English, history, math, physics, political science, psychology, sociology and Spanish. Technical course options include accounting, business and health.
The program may be able to offer other courses to meet the curriculum needs of partner high schools and students, depending on the credentialing of the high school's teachers.
Common concurrent courses
ACCT 1124 - Spreadsheet Applications
ACCT 2211 - Financial Accounting I
ART 1110 - Introduction to Art
ART 1117 - Printmaking I
ART 1140 - Handbuilt Ceramics
BIOL 1104 - Biology of Human Concerns
BIOL 1122 - General Biology I
BIOL 1123 - General Biology II
BIOL 2202 - Principles of Nutrition
BIOL 2260/2261 - Anatomy & Physiology I Lecture and Lab
BIOL 2262/2263 - Anatomy & Physiology II Lecture and Lab
BUS 1100 - Business Computers
BUS 1141 - Introduction to Business
BUS 1146 - Personal Finance
CHEM 1100 - Fundamental Concepts Chemistry
CHEM 1111 - General Chemistry I
CHEM 1112 - General Chemistry II
COMM 1120 - Intro to Public Speaking
COMM 1130 - Small Group Communications
COMM 1140 - Interpersonal Communications
COMM 2200 - Intercultural Communications
ECON 2210 - Macroeconomics
ECON 2222 - Microeconomics
ENGL 1101 - College Writing
ENGL 1205 - Writing About Literature
ENGL 1210 - Writing About Current Issues
ENGL 1215 - Professional and Technical Writing
ENGL 2200 - Introduction to Creative Writing
ENGL 2230 - Environmental Literature
ENGL 2234 - Introduction to Literature: Short Stories
ENGL 2235 - Introduction to Literature: Drama
ENGL 2236 - Introduction to Literature: Novel
ENGL 2239 - Nature Writers
ENGL 2302 - American Ethnic Literature
ENGL 2323 - Horror and Supernatural Fiction
ENGL 2372 - Children's Literature
HIST 1101 - Western Civilization: Ancient to 1600s
HIST 1102 - Western Civilization: 1600s to the Present
HIST 1201 - American History to 1877
HIST 1202 - American History since 1877
HLTH 1116 - Medical Terminology
MATH 1114 - College Algebra
MATH 1115 - Functions/Trigonometry
MATH 1116 - College Trigonometry
MATH 1118 - Precalculus
MATH 1122 - Applied Calculus
MATH 1134 - Calculus I
MATH 1135 - Calculus II
MATH 1207 - Elementary Statistics
MATH 1213 - Introduction to Statistics
PHYS 1105 - Fundamental Concepts in Physics
PHYS 1401 - College Physics I
PHYS 1402 - College Physics II
Political Science
POLS 1120 - American National Government
PSYC 1101 - Human Interaction
PSYC 1200 - General Psychology
PSYC 2220 - Abnormal Psychology
PSYC 2222 - Lifespan Development
SOC 1111 - Introduction to Sociology
SPAN 2211 - Intermediate Spanish I
SPAN 2212 - Intermediate Spanish II
Minnesota Transfer Curriculum
What is MnTC?
The Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC) is the basis for the general education requirements at institutions that are part of the Minnesota State system. Completion of the MnTC, requires at least 40 credits and a specified number of courses, or credits, taken from each of the 10 MnTC goal areas. The MnTC must be completed with a minimum 2.0 GPA. Any M State concurrent courses will transfer to other Minnesota State system institutions in the goal area(s) designated by M State.
Use the MnTC Fillable Planning Worksheet and click on the goal areas below for a list of M State courses that meet requirements for each goal area.
Goal Area 1: Communication (9 cr.)
Goal Area 2: Critical Thinking (2 courses from 2 disciplines)
Goal Area 3: Natural Sciences (6 cr. including one lab)
Goal Area 4: Mathematical/Logical Reasoning (3 cr.)
Goal Area 5: History and the Social and Behavioral Sciences (9 cr. from 2 or more disciplines)
Goal Area 6: Humanities and Fine Arts (9 cr. from three disciplines)
Goal Area 7: Human Diversity (1 course)
Goal Area 8: Global Perspective (1 course)
Goal Area 9: Ethical and Civil Responsibility (1 course)
Goal Area 10: People and the Environment (1 course)
Some courses meet more than one MnTC goal area. These courses may be used to fulfill the requirements of multiple goal areas, but the course credits are only counted once towards the 40 credit MnTC requirement.
Contact Megan Adamczyk, M State director of Dual Enrollment and Academic Success, at or 218.846.3867 to schedule a consultation to review your school's concurrent courses and develop a plan to provide students with an opportunity to fulfill as many MnTC goal areas as possible.