
CEP Students


Welcome to M State! You are on the right path to make a positive impact on your future. Taking concurrent courses will give you a jump start on your college education, save money, and give you college experience while you're in high school. We hope you will enjoy being an M State concurrent student and consider continuing your education at M State after you graduate. 

Concurrent Enrollment Handbook

All students are expected to read and review the information in the Concurrent Enrollment Handbook


To be eligible for the Concurrent Enrollment Program (CEP), students must have the following minimum grade point averages:

Juniors 3.2 GPA

Seniors 2.8 GPA

Am I ready to be a college student?

M State concurrent students are held to the same standards and expectations as students in classes taught on the college campus. Success in college begins with understanding college expectations and being accountable.

These resources can help you determine if you're ready:


Learning Styles How to Read Your Syllabus https://mediaspace.minnstate.edu/media/zoom_0_Trim.mp4+Welcome+Day+Note+Taking+8.18.2020/1_lfgyxyfu Anxiety Management  Mindfulness Test Stress


Apply and register for courses

Interested and eligible high school students must work with their high school counselor or designated high school contact to complete application and registration.  

Activate your StarID

What is a StarID?

A StarID is a unique username that can be used at any Minnesota State system college and will give you access to M State resources, including the library and SpartanNet.

How do I activate my StarID?

  1. Go to Minnesota State StarID. Click on "Activate StarID" and then "Personal Email Address." Enter the same personal email to activate your StarID as the email entered when you applied to M State. Click "continue."
  2. Go to your personal email and copy the verification code. The code is valid for one hour and can be used only once.
  3. Go back to Minnesota State StarID, click on "Activate StarID" and "Verification Code." Copy and paste the verification code or enter it manually, and a StarID will be generated.
  4. Create a new password. Passwords must contain at least three of the following: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers and special characters.

Questions? Please visit StarID Self Service to change passwords and manage your profile.

Student resources


SpartanNet is your one stop personal portal to college resources. Log in with your StarID and password. Resources include:

  • eServices - Students should login to eServices every semester to verify registration. Students can also check grades, print unofficial transcripts, and track Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC) progress through eServices.
  • Virtual Support - Find links to virtual support for Advising and Financial Aid (inside SpartanNet).
  • Emotional Support - Book an appointment with the next available M State Counselor (inside SpartanNet).
  • TalkCampus - FREE emotional support hotline, open 24/7. Call 866-342-6892. In case of an emergency, call 911.

Academic support

We have professional academic specialists on each of the four campuses, located in the campus library. We also provide online virtual support. Our staff is here for you! When you need someone to support your academic journey, know that our staff can assist! Whether you need assistance with library services, proctoring, tutoring, time management, organization, study tips or D2L, this team is ready to help.

  • Virtual Tutoring Supports - To meet with an academic specialist online, view your options in D2L: Log into SpartanNet and click on D2L Brightspace. Go to your course list (the grouping of nine squares at the top of the page) and click on eTutoring for a list of available tutors who can assist you.
  • Tutor.com - M State has partnered with Tutor.com to provide students with FREE online tutoring to support their academic success. Tutors are available 24/7, so you can study on your own schedule. Subject areas supported include accounting, English, economics, computer science, healthcare, math, writing and more. Students get 15 hours of free access per year.

Accessibility resources

M State is committed to ensuring equal access to our facilities, services and academic programs for students with disabilities. Accessibility Resources works to remove disability-related barriers to education through reasonable accommodations for qualified students. 

M State Library

Use M State's library resources to search online articles, eBooks and much more!

Library Video

Student ID cards

To request an M State college ID card, use the Library Card/Student ID Request Form.

Transcript requests

  • How to request a transcript to a college or university that is part of the Minnesota State system
    If you are applying to another institution within the Minnesota State system, you do NOT need to request a transcript online because the college or university will have access to your Minnesota State eTranscript.
  • How to request a transcript to a college or university not in the Minnesota State system
    Visit Forms and click on "Transcript Request" under the "Graduation and Transfer" heading. Your request will be processed within 72 hours. If you need assistance, call 877.450.3322, or chat.

Not sure if the school you are applying to is part of Minnesota State? Visit Minnesota State Campuses and Programs to find out.

Transfer planning

How do you know if your M State concurrent courses will transfer after you graduate high school? The majority of M State concurrent credits transfer seamlessly to other colleges and universities; however, it is up to the receiving institution to decide which credits transfer and whether those credits meet their degree requirements.

Tools and information for transfer planning

  • Minnesota State system - M State is a member of the Minnesota State system. A course that meets a Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC) goal area at M State will meet the same goal area at other Minnesota State institutions. Visit the Minnesota State Campuses website to see a list of all 30 colleges, seven universities and 54 campuses that are part of this system.
  • Syllabi - Students are strongly encouraged to keep the syllabi from their concurrent courses as a receiving institution may request it if a transfer decision is appealed.
  • Transferology - This is a free online tool designed to help students explore their college transfer options nationwide.
  • MnTransfer - This is a resource for students, transfer specialists and educators.
  • Appeal - All colleges and universities have an appeal process, so if a course doesn't transfer or transfers as an elective, take the next step and submit an appeal. M State's Concurrent Enrollment Program will also help advocate for our students. Email Megan Adamczyk for assistance.
  • Meet with your high school career counselor.
  • Meet with M State advisors and/or attend M State transfer workshops.

Earn your AA in high school

Associate of Arts degree

An Associate of Arts degree is intended for transfer to a college or university that awards baccalaureate degrees. It requires completion of a 60-credit academic program in the liberal arts and sciences. In order to obtain an AA degree, students must successfully complete the following requirements:

  • Complete a minimum of 60 semester credits numbered 1000 or above.
  • Achieve an overall GPA of 2.00 and a GPA of 2.00 within the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC).
  • Earn at least 20 of the 60 credits at M State.
  • Complete a minimum of 40 credits from the MnTC and fulfill individual requirements in each of the 10 MnTC goal areas.

Over half of the students who enroll at M State plan to earn an AA degree and continue their education at a four-year institution. The AA degree is offered on our campuses in Detroit Lakes, Fergus Falls, Moorhead and Wadena and online.

First steps towards earning your AA degree

  • Activate your StarID  (Instructions are listed at the top of this page).
  • Go to www.minnesota.edu/forms and under admissions forms, fill out the add a major form and select the Liberal Arts and Sciences AA. 

Students can use the Liberal Arts and Sciences Worksheet to track their required courses. If you have specific questions about earning your AA degree while still in high school, please email Erin Warren