
High School CEP instructors


The opportunity for high school students to challenge themselves with college-level classes wouldn't be possible without enthusiastic and motivated teachers in the classroom.

CEP instructor resources

New instructor application

Apply to teach for M State's Concurrent Enrollment Program! Each applicant is considered independently, but a minimum of a master's degree with 18 graduate credits in the specific field you want to teach is preferred. If you do not yet meet the minimum qualifications, please include your plan to meet this expectation by Sept. 1, 2025.

Concurrent Enrollment Teacher Application.

What you need to complete this application:

  • Resume
  • Summary of why you are interested in teaching concurrent courses and your qualifications. Highlight your education, special expertise and any other relevant experience that makes you a good candidate to teach college-level courses.
  • The courses or discipline you would like to teach
  • Letter of recommendation from your high school principal
  • Graduate transcripts (unofficial transcripts are acceptable for the application, but if you are approved we will need official transcripts on file)

After applying

  • Your application will be reviewed by the CEP program director. You will be contacted as soon as possible once a decision is made, but the review process may take five to 15 business days.
  • If you are approved, you will be assigned a faculty mentor who will help you start preparing for your class. Be sure to communicate what course(s) you plan to teach to your high school principal and counselor so they can help students test and register.
  • Visit the Concurrent High School Instructor web page for syllabus development and other forms, tools and information.
  • Create a profile in the Minnesota State system Application. You will receive a welcome email with a link, or follow Concurrent Enrollment Program Minnesota State System Credential Entry Instructions.

If you don't have enough graduate credits in-field to apply, explore Minnesota State system Concurrent Enrollment Credentialing Pathways.

Teacher/mentor meetings and observations

For a new course or new instructor six meetings are required. At least one planning meeting between the mentor and high school instructor (which includes new instructor orientation) must occur prior to the start of the semester. At least two in-person classroom observations will occur and one follow-up meeting. Mentors will record their observations and recommendations, which are submitted and reviewed by the CEP program director.

Repeat course offerings with the same instructor are required to have three meetings. At least one of these meetings will be a classroom observation.

Upon request, high school instructors can be provided with more feedback from their mentor's report.

Instructor/mentor meeting and observation topics

Classroom observation topics may include:

  • Clarity of the lesson objectives
  • Organization of the presentation
  • Communication of subject matter
  • Demonstration of concept or principles examples
  • The monitoring of student learning and adjusting instruction appropriately
  • Receptiveness to students views and responses
  • Answering student questions clearly and positively
  • Summarization of key points
  • Definition of terms and background information given when necessary
  • Student engagement and/or involvement in classroom activities
  • The methodology used to assess student learning

New instructor course-specific training

For new CEP instructors or a new CEP course, a minimum of one planning meeting between the faculty mentor and high school instructor will occur prior to the start of the course. This meeting will include a comprehensive New Instructor Training and Orientation with discipline-specific training in topics including, but not limited to:

  • Syllabus development
  • Course curriculum
  • Course outcomes
  • Assessment criteria
  • Grading and rigor
  • Pedagogy
  • Course philosophy and theory
  • Textbook/materials options/requirements
  • Concurrent Enrollment Handbook
  • Administrative responsibilities
  • Mentor/Mentee roles and responsibilities
  • Programmatic and institutional policy and procedures
  • Annual professional development (CE Day)

High school instructor responsibilities

High school teachers will:

  • Work with an assigned faculty mentor to create a syllabus that meets all of M State's CEP syllabus requirements, for every course taught. A sample syllabus and a syllabus template and checklist with these requirements is available at Instructor.
  • Instructors will distribute the approved syllabus to their students at the start of the course. Instructors are encouraged to have students sign the syllabus to further ensure that students have read and understand their responsibilities.
  • Instructors are required to meet, or exceed, the competencies listed in the course outline and assess for those competencies. Individual lessons, models, methods and pedagogy are determined by the individual instructor in consultation with the mentor. Course outlines and competencies can be found here.
  • Work with their mentor to select a textbook that reflects current information relevant to the discipline. The high school is responsible for the purchasing of course textbooks.
  • Work with an assigned faculty mentor to select a textbook that reflects current information relevant to the discipline. The high school is responsible for the purchasing of course textbooks.
  • Meet with M State faculty mentor:

    For a new instructor or new course, four meetings and two course observations are required. At least one planning meeting between the mentor and high school instructor must occur prior to the start of the semester. The planning meeting includes CEP New Instructor Training and Orientation. The remaining meetings can be done in tandem with the course observations and at the end of the semester. Mentors will record their observations and recommendations, which are submitted and reviewed by the CEP program director. 

    Repeat course offerings with the same instructor are required to have three meetings. At least one of these meetings will be a classroom observation. 
  • Attend annual professional development (Concurrent Enrollment Day). Annual professional development and ongoing collegial interaction is a NACEP accreditation requirement which serves to further enhance instructor pedagogy and breadth of knowledge in the discipline.
  • Respond to communications from faculty mentors and CEP staff in a timely manner.
  • Review class lists at the start of the course and work with the designated high school contact to communicate any and all changes to M State.
  • Submit grades by the deadline at the end of the term.
  • Stay in compliance with FERPA.
  • Participate in M State's concurrent enrollment electronic surveys (end-of-course surveys sent to students and program feedback surveys sent to instructors).
  • Communicate extended leave dates and coverage plans by submitting an Instructor Extended Leave Form.

Instructor responsibilities noncompliance

Course and program integrity

All concurrent instructors are expected to adhere to M State’s CEP instructor responsibilities. The course competencies, academic rigor and expectations must mirror those of a traditional course taught at the college. If the mentor has concerns regarding a concurrent instructor’s adherence to the course content, academic rigor, grading or other instructor responsibilities, they will notify the CEP program director.

Actions that may be taken if a concurrent instructor is not in compliance:

  • The mentor will document any concerns and submit findings to the CEP program director for review.
  • Based on the outcome of the review, the high school administration may be contacted.
  • A meeting may be scheduled for the concurrent instructor, mentor, high school administration and the CEP program director to discuss the situation and develop a plan for compliance.
  • If all parties cannot come to an agreed-upon plan or if the instructor fails to take actions toward compliance, the course may be canceled and the instructor may lose their approval to teach for the CEP.

Annual professional development

All M State concurrent enrollment instructors are required to participate in annual professional development in order to be in compliance with NACEP. CEP staff maintain attendance records of annual professional development for high school instructors and will contact instructors who have been found to be noncompliant.

If a concurrent instructor misses consecutive years of the annual professional development day, the following will occur:

  • 1 year absence - The instructor must notify CEP staff of their absence.
  • 2 years of absences - The instructor may be put on probation as a concurrent instructor.
  • 3 years of absences - The instructor is in jeopardy of losing approval to teach concurrent courses with M State.

For extenuating circumstances when an instructor is unable to attend Concurrent Enrollment Day, arrangements may be made for one-on-one professional development with a faculty mentor (See Concurrent Handbook). Prior approval is required by program director.