Course Descriptions

CSEC2210 - Security Breaches and Countermeasures

3 (2/1/0)

CSEC2214 - Topics in Network Security

3 (2/1/0)

CSEC2228 - Network Defense

3 (2/1/0)

CUST1010 - Wood Properties: Strength and Quality

3 (3/0/0)

CVRI1100 - Cardiovascular Technology Survey

2 (1/1/0)

CVRI1105 - Introduction to Cardiovascular Technology

2 (2/0/0)

CVRI1110 - Cardiovascular Anatomy and Physiology

3 (3/0/0)

CVRI1120 - Principles of Patient Care

4 (2/2/0)

CVRI1130 - Cardiovascular Technology I

3 (2/1/0)

CVRI1136 - Cardiovascular Technology Clinical

2 (0/0/2)

CVRI2130 - Cardiovascular Technology II

5 (3/2/0)

CVRI2141 - Pharmacology for Cardiovascular Technology

2 (2/0/0)

CVRI2146 - Cardiovascular Electrocardiography

1 (1/0/0)

CVRI2250 - Radiation Safety

2 (1/1/0)

CVRI2262 - Cardiovascular Technology Practicum I

5 (0/0/5)

CVRI2263 - Cardiovascular Technology Practicum II

5 (0/0/5)

CVRI2264 - Cardiovascular Technology Practicum III

5 (0/0/5)

DCNH1116 - CNH (Case New Holland) Supervised Occupational Experience (SOE) I

3 (0/0/3)

DCNH1118 - CNH (Case New Holland) Supervised Occupational Experience (SOE) II

7 (0/0/7)

DCNH2210 - Mobile Hydraulics

4 (1/3/0)

DCNH2218 - CNH (Case New Holland) Supervised Occupational Experience (SOE) III

3 (0/0/3)

DCNH2238 - Transmissions and Drive Systems

4 (1/3/0)

DCNH2242 - Advanced Engines and Fuel Systems

6 (2/4/0)

DENT1100 - Biomaterials

3 (2/1/0)

DENT1102 - Dental Anatomy

2 (2/0/0)
