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ELWT1102 - Electrical Line Worker Theory I



4 (2/2/0)


This course provides the student with basic electrical theory involved in the production and use of electrical energy. In addition, the student practices basic direct current circuitry calculations and rigging skills including basic knots and splices pertaining to the electrical industry.


  1. Compute direct current series circuit values.
  2. Compute direct current parallel values.
  3. Compute direct current combination circuit values.
  4. Calculate circuit values using electrical formulas.
  5. Calculate power values in direct current circuits.
  6. Calculate correct conductor size and installation requirements.
  7. Calculate guy wire and anchor requirements.
  8. Describe personal protective equipment.
  9. Comprehend electrical safety awareness.
  10. Demonstrate basic line work knots and splices.
  11. Demonstrate professionalism.
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