MUSC2224 - Sight Singing and Ear Training IV

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Meets MnTC Goal Area 6F. This course is designed to improve skills in two areas: 1) to recognize and notate tonal melodies and rhythmic patterns, and 2) to reproduce "at sight" what is notated. It must be taken concurrently with MUSC 2232.
  1. Students will progress in the skills of listening and realizing rhythms and melodies through the study of Western European musical tradition.
  2. Students will interpret music (i.e. intervals, rhythms and melodies) using stylistic conventions and techniques, including solfege moveable "do" system.
  3. Students will engage in keyboard skills of transposition and harmonization of given melodies.
  4. Students will aurally distinguish harmonic chord progressions, triad types, and inversions.
  5. Articulate observations, reactions and ideas to music study using appropriate musical language.
Goal Areas
6. The Humanities and Fine Arts
Degrees that use this course


Associate of Fine Arts (AFA)