
Practical Nursing

Operating System
Windows 11 (Windows 10 acceptable)
Intel Core i5 processor or higher
Hard Drive
256 GB hard drive or larger
8 GB recommended
Additional Information


Microsoft® Office suite products for Windows and Mac users is available to download or use in the cloud, free of charge, for all current M State students. The free download for a Windows based PC includes Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Publisher and Access. The Mac version only includes Word, Excel and PowerPoint.

To learn how to download and install the free Office 365:

  1. Log in to your SpartanNet Portal 
  2. Under Other Resources, click FREE Office 365.


CD-RW/DVD Combo Drive: Required

Ethernet Network: Required

Wireless Network: Required

USB Flash Drive Strongly Recommended - 1GB+ (Sold in Campus Bookstores)