Ashley Goebel

Ashley Goebel

I chose M State because I was going back to college seven years out of high school, and I appreciate that there are other people at M State doing the same thing. I also like the smaller class sizes that give you an opportunity to get to know your professors and classmates better.

Going back to school can be scary, but it’s so worth it and rewarding in the end! I enjoy learning something new every day and appreciate a challenge. Sherrie Holmquist, who is my advisor, has had the biggest impact on me. She’s tough, but it’s only to push you to be better and excel in life. She’s also helped guide me to make choices and work toward opportunities that I hadn’t thought of before.

Ashley Goebel will graduate in Fall 2020. The communications company where she is interning, Midco, recently honored her with its Trailblazer Award for the positive impact she is making on the company and community.