
Free Office 365 for StudentsGet Office free from your school

All current M State students can download Microsoft Office 365 for free using their student email account. This download allows students to install Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, Access and more on their personal devices, including up to five PCs or Macs and five tablets or mobile devices. The free Microsoft Office subscription is available as long as you are an active student enrolled in an M State course.

For more detailed information on how you can download and install Office 365, click on the link below:

Free Office 365 for Students

Office 365 FAQs

Where can I get help if I am having trouble installing Office 365 Pro Plus? It is recommended that you contact Microsoft directly at Office Support or submit a ticket to your local Campus Computer Help Center through the SpartanNet Portal.

Who is eligible for Office 365 Pro Plus? Students who are enrolled in one or more credits at M State. Students must connect to the Internet once every 30 days to verify they are still eligible for the program.

What happens after I graduate? Your access to Office 365 will continue for a one year after you graduate. When you are no longer eligible, you will still be able to access and print your files. However you will not be able to create/save/edit files of Office 365 without purchasing the monthly subscription service.

How much OneDrive space do I have? unlimited

Should I uninstall my existing version of Office? Uninstalling any existing version of Office before you install a new version of Office is recommended.

Additional ResourcesOur students get Microsoft Office at no cost. (No, really.)

How to Uninstall Previous Versions of Office

Getting Started with Office 365

What is OneDrive?

Download and Install Office 365 for Students - youtube video