Immunization Requirement Policy

Vice President of Student Affairs
Effective date
March 1, 2005
Last content update
March 1, 2005


To protect the health and well-being of College staff, students and visitors.


Minnesota State Community and Technical College, in conformance with M.S. 135A.14 (2000 revision), requires an immunization record be submitted from the following students:

  • Students born after 1956 who did not graduate from a Minnesota high school in 1997 or later; and
  • Students registered for more than one class for a full semester.

The immunization record submitted must indicate the month and year the student was immunized against measles, rubella and mumps, after having attained the age of 12 months. The immunization record must also indicate the month and year the student was immunized against diphtheria and tetanus within 10 years of first registration at the institution.

Students registered for non-credit, corporate credit or online courses only are exempt from submitting the required immunization record unless the course requires on-campus laboratory, internship, clinical or other on-campus contact for the purpose of completing coursework.

Time Requirement

All immunization records must be submitted within 45 days of course commencement for which the student is registered.

Medical Exceptions

An immunization record is not required if the student submits to an administrator a statement signed by a physician that shows:

  • The student did not receive an immunization for medical reasons;
  • The student has experienced the natural disease against which the immunization protects; or
  • A laboratory has confirmed the presence of adequate immunity

Additional Exception

If the student submits a notarized statement that the student has not been immunized as required because of the student’s conscientiously held beliefs, the immunizations are not required. The College shall submit the notarized statement to the Commissioner of Health.

Immunization Record Files

The College shall maintain an immunization record for each student for at least one year from the time of original filing. Immunization records will be maintained in a separate medical records file. The Department of Health and the local Board of Health in whose jurisdiction the institution is located may inspect immunization records.

Additional Immunization Requirements

Students in certain academic programs may be required to submit additional immunization records (besides those indicated within this policy).


VP of Academic and Student Affairs

Ensure compliance with policy.

Dean of Student Services

Implement and maintain a separate medical records file.


M.S. 135A.14 (2000 revision)

Next scheduled review