
Auditing Courses Policy

Vice President of Academic Affairs
Effective date:
November 6, 2009
Last content update:
November 6, 2009


To allow students the opportunity to audit a course


Audit a Course Taking a course and completing course assignments without earning credit for the course.


Students intending to audit a course (earn no credit) must submit a Audit Grade Request form, found at www.minnesota.edu/forms, to the associate registrar at the time of registration. The associate registrar will enroll the student in the course requested upon receipt of the form. The Audit Grade Request form requires the student to obtain the faculty member’s permission to audit the course. Students wishing to audit a course in a selective admission program need to meet the selective admission program criteria and obtain permission from the program coordinator and/or the academic dean.

Auditing students may not need to meet regular course requirements. Students should confer with the instructor to understand their responsibilities in the course.

Students auditing courses pay the regular tuition and fees. Audited courses do not count toward credit load in calculating financial aid eligibility. Financial aid is not awarded for an audited course.

A student who enrolls for audit status may change to credit status during the drop/add period of the semester by completing a revised Special Grade Request form.

Courses audited are not included in determining the total credits earned toward a major or the cumulative grade point average.

An entry of AU is made in the student’s permanent record. “AU” denotes audit.