AMST2220 - Ignition Systems

3 (2/1/0)
This course will cover the operation of ignition systems. Students will learn how various ignition systems work so they will have the understanding to diagnose and repair ignition problems.
  1. Exhibit safety precautions and professionalism.
  2. Interpret service information.
  3. Explain and test ignition primary and secondary circuits using a multimeter.
  4. Perform ignition service and maintenance on various vehicles.
  5. Explain and test using a lab scope to diagnosis primary and secondary circuits.
  6. Perform scan tool checks on ignition components using a variety of vehicles.
  7. Perform timing adjustments where applicable.
  8. Interpret diagnostic flow charts aiding in ignition repairs.
  9. Diagnose and explain computer-controlled ignition systems.
Degrees that use this course

Automotive Service Technology

Associate of Applied Science (AAS)

Automotive Service Technology
