Institutional Review Board

Institutional Review Board (IRB)


The IRB is a review body designated to protect the welfare of human subjects recruited to participate in biomedical or behavioral research. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services mandates that all research proposals comply with human subjects protocol and adhere to professional ethical standards.


The Primary Investigator (PI) shall complete the application materials below and email the completed documentation to

IRB Process

Once a completed application is received, a sub-group of the IRB will review the submitted proposal and classify the level of review as Exempt (45 CFR 46.101(b)), Expedited (45 CFR 46.110), or Full Board Review. Exempt or expedited reviews typically take between 2-3 weeks. A full board review is usually longer.

After the initial proposal review, applicants will be sent a memo with the IRB's decision. The IRB decision will include one of three possibilities: approval, provisional approval pending changes, or revisions needed. A provisional approval will result in an expedited review of the re-submitted documentation by a minimum of 2 IRB members. If revisions are needed, the re-submitted application will be reviewed by the full IRB.

Associated Downloads:

IRB Protocol Document